Top "Python-telegram-bot" questions

This is a Python library that wraps around the Telegram bot API.

How To Limit Access To A Telegram Bot

When I send a message to my Telegram Bot, it responses with no problems. I wanna limit the access such …

telegram-bot python-telegram-bot
Save user input after certain message telegram bot

I am building some telegram bot on python (using this framework pyTelegramBotAPI). And I ran into the problem with user …

python telegram-bot user-interaction python-telegram-bot
Proper way to build menus with python-telegram-bot

I work with python-telegram-bot and try to build a system of nested menus as BotFather bot does. For instance, you …

python menu bots telegram python-telegram-bot
(python) Telegram bot- how to send messages periodically?

I have a dilemma regarding my telegram bot. Let's say I have to create a function that will ask, every …

python telegram telegram-bot python-telegram-bot
Multiple callback query handlers?

Is it possible with the python-telegram-bot wrapper to use more than one callback query handler? I would like to have …

How to join my Telegram Bot to PUBLIC channel

My question is: how to join my telegram bot to a telegram public channel that I am not administrator of …

python telegram telegram-bot python-telegram-bot
Although I install python-telegram-bot, error of no module named 'telegram'

I installed telegram packages. But when I try to run the simple example,, I got an error: Traceback (…

python git python-2.7 telegram-bot python-telegram-bot
Telegram URL schema: which url to trigger the client to open the "share/send to" dialogue

I am working on an telegram bot, and looking for the exact URL schema to popup the "Share / Select Group / …

telegram telegram-bot python-telegram-bot
How to capture user's phone number and location using Telegram Bot API?

I'm currently playing with telegram bot api via the telegram python package. So far I don't have any problem creating …

Handle multiple questions for Telegram bot in python

I'm programming a telegram bot in Python using the Telegram bot API. I'm facing the problem of managing questions that …

python bots telegram python-telegram-bot