How To Limit Access To A Telegram Bot

E.B picture E.B · Feb 12, 2016 · Viewed 15.3k times · Source

When I send a message to my Telegram Bot, it responses with no problems.

I wanna limit the access such that me and only me can send message to it.

How can I do that?


gyunter picture gyunter · Mar 22, 2018

As this question is related to python-telegram-bot, information below is related to it:

When you add handlers to your bot's dispatcher, you can specify various pre-built filters (read more at docs, github) or you can create custom ones in order to filter incoming updates.

To limit access to a specific user, you need to add Filters.user(username="@telegramusername") when initializing handler, e.g.:

dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", text_callback, Filters.user(username="@username")))

This handler will accept /start command only from user with username @username.

You can also specify user-id instead of username, which I would highly recommend, as latter is non-constant and can be changed over time.