Top "Python-module" questions

A module is a file containing Python definitions and statements.

Import python module NOT on path

I have a module foo, containing and I want to import it in IDLE or python …

python import external python-module
pyserial for Python 2.7.2

I'm new to Python. According to the internets I was looking for the module pyserial after receiving this error: ImportError: …

python python-module pyserial windows64
How to check if a module is installed in Python and, if not, install it within the code?

I would like to install the modules 'mutagen' and 'gTTS' for my code, but I want to have it so …

python python-3.x module python-module
What do I need to read Microsoft Access databases using Python?

How can I access Microsoft Access databases in Python? With SQL? I'd prefere a solution that works with Linux, but …

python linux ms-access python-module
What is Python's heapq module?

I tried "heapq" and arrived at the conclusion that my expectations differ from what I see on the screen. I …

python data-structures heap python-module
Module Not found during import in Jupyter Notebook

I have the following package (and working directory): WorkingDirectory-- |--MyPackage-- | | | | | | | |--notebook.ipynb In __…

python python-3.x jupyter-notebook python-import python-module
python module for nslookup

Is there a python-module that's doing the same stuff as nslookup does? I am planning to use nslookup on digging …

python-module nslookup
Error Loading MySQLdb Module and "pip install MySQLdb"

I'm trying start up a Django project. I get this error on trying to run the (venv)dyn-160…

python mysql django packages python-module
How does python find a module file if the import statement only contains the filename?

Everywhere I see Python code importing modules using import sys or import mymodule How does the interpreter find the correct …

python python-import python-module pythonpath
Is it possible to list all functions in a module?

I defined a .py file in this format: def foo1(): pass def foo2(): pass def foo3(): pass I …

python python-module