Top "Python-idle" questions

IDLE is Python's Integrated Development and Learning Environment.

Running Python's IDLE in windows

I messed up my IDLE shortcut. What is the way to start IDLE from the cmd.exe shell in Windows?

python windows python-idle
Import module works in terminal but not in IDLE

I am trying to import pyodbc module on a windows computer. It works in the terminal, but not the IDLE. …

python module terminal python-import python-idle
Divide an image into 5x5 blocks in python and compute histogram for each block

Using Python, I have to: Divide a Test_Image and Reference_image into 5x5 blocks, Compute a histogram for each …

python python-2.7 image-processing computer-vision python-idle
How do you add breakpoints to a Python program in IDLE?

I solved this already, I'm just posting it here because I couldn't figure it out with google, or by reading …

python windows breakpoints python-idle
Is it possible to print a string at a certain screen position inside IDLE?

EDIT: I just discovered that it's possible to obtain a similar behaviour by using the standard library "curses". There are …

python python-idle
Invoking Python IDLE on Linux

I am trying to set up a Python development environment. I have Python 2.7.3 running on Linux mint14. I downloaded IDLE …

linux python-idle
Passing Command line argument to Python program using IDLE?

I have downloaded a python file that is supposed to run on the command line by typing: python …

python command-line command-line-arguments python-idle
IDLE warns against an old TCL version even though I've installed a newer version

I have installed ActiveTcl8. on my OS X 10.9.1 . However, when I launch IDLE by running idle3 …

macos tcl python-idle
Default save path for Python IDLE?

Does anyone know where or how to set the default path/directory on saving python scripts prior to running? On …

python python-idle
Value Error: math domain error in Python

I'm writing a code to help me solve the Pythagorean theorem in Python. Problem is, I keep getting this one …

python math python-idle sqrt