Top "Python-idle" questions

IDLE is Python's Integrated Development and Learning Environment.

Running Python script from IDLE on Windows 7 64 bit

I'm trying to figure out how to successfully use Python 2.7.1 on windows 7. So far, I'm having to use the shell (…

python python-idle
When running a python script in IDLE, is there a way to pass in command line arguments (args)?

I'm testing some python code that parses command line input. Is there a way to pass this input in through …

python command-line-arguments python-idle
How do I access the command history from IDLE?

On bash or Window's Command Prompt, we can press the up arrow on keyboard to get the last command, and …

python python-idle
Can't run Python via IDLE from Explorer [2013] - IDLE's subprocess didn't make connection

Resolved April 15, 2013. In windows 7 (64bit) windows explorer when I right clicked a Python file and selected "edit with IDLE" the …

python-2.7 python-3.x python-idle
IDLE background color in python

Is there a way to change background color of python-3.5 IDLE under windows 10? I've tried google and reading docs, but …

python-idle python-3.5
Start IDLE with python 3 on Linux (python 2.7 installed alongside)

I initially had python 2.7, which often comes bundled with the OS (currently using Linux Mint 12). I wanted to try python 3, …

python python-3.2 python-idle
Python IDLE is not starting on Windows 7

I used to use Python 2.7 and then IDLE was working. I uninstalled it and installed Python 3.1. Right now Idle cannot …

python windows-7 python-idle
Programming in Python: Getting "name 'Tk' is not defined" only at Command Prompt, works in IDLE

A question from a beginner just starting with Tkinter. I downloaded it and wrote the tutorial Hello World program, and …

python tkinter python-idle
What's the working directory when using IDLE?

So, I'm learning Python and would like to create a simple script to download a file from the internet and …

python python-idle
starting Python IDLE from command line to edit scripts

I've tried many variations of this command: -e filepath, but it simply starts IDLE like normal, not opening …

python windows python-idle