Top "Python-asyncio" questions

This tag is to be used for the asyncio Python package which provides mechanisms for writing single-threaded concurrent code.

RuntimeWarning: coroutine was never awaited. How to async / await a callback

I have a class that serves web sockets, and listen to PostgreSQL. Using asyncpg, when I try to uses add_…

python asynchronous python-asyncio asyncpg
python async post requests

I was wondering if there was any way to make this script a lot faster - like instantly create 1000 accounts …

python python-requests python-asyncio aiohttp
Equivalent of asyncio.Queues with worker "threads"

I'm trying to figure out how to port a threaded program to use asyncio. I have a lot of code …

python python-3.x queue python-asyncio
Multiple loops with asyncio

Is it possible to have multiple loops with asyncio? If the response is yes how can I do that? My …

python python-3.x asynchronous python-asyncio aiohttp
How to gracefully terminate an asyncio script with Ctrl-C?

I've read every post I could find about how to gracefully handle a script with an asyncio event loop getting …

python signals python-asyncio sigint
Python asyncio, futures and yield from

Consider the following program (running on CPython 3.4.0b1): import math import asyncio from asyncio import coroutine @coroutine def fast_sqrt(…

python future yield coroutine python-asyncio
How can I implement asyncio websockets in a class?

I would like to connect to a websocket via asyncio and websockets, with a format as shown below. How would …

python python-3.x websocket python-3.5 python-asyncio
Non-blocking I/O with asyncio

I'm trying to write a networked game with Pygame and asyncio, but I can't work out how to avoid hanging …

python python-3.x pygame python-asyncio
Using Aiohttp with Proxy

I am trying to use async to get the HTML from a list of urls (identified by ids). I need …

python asynchronous python-asyncio aiohttp
Asyncio vs. Gevent

Background I once worked on a Python2 system that had a lot of custom I/O code written synchronously, and …

python python-asyncio gevent