Top "Python-3.6" questions

Version of the Python programming language released in December 2016.

Illegal hardware instruction when trying to import tensorflow

I just installed tensorflow using the instructions for the virtualenv method. The installation process went smoothly, so I don't think …

python tensorflow virtualenv python-3.6 illegal-instruction
Python3.6.3, ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_bz2'

In Linux, CentOS I download the bzip tar file(bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz) and make && make install Then …

python python-3.x python-3.6 bzip2 bz2
How to use pdfminer.six's in python script and outside command line?

I know how to use pdfminer.six's tool in command line; however, I have many PDF files …

python python-3.x python-3.6 pdfminer
How do I install cudf using pip?

I wanted to accelerate pandas on my GPU so I decided to use cudf library. Please do suggest other libraries(…

pip python-3.6 cudf
Are sets ordered like dicts in python3.6

Due to changes in dict implementation in Python 3.6 it is now ordered by default. Do sets preserve order as well …

python set python-3.6 cpython python-internals
Python Win 3.6.0 x64 issue, missing qt designer exe after pip3 install pyqt5

I'm a Python newbie and trying to start my first application and am struggling to workout how to use Qt …

python python-3.x pyqt5 qt-designer python-3.6
Compile fortran module with f2py and Python 3.6 on Windows 10

I'm trying (and failing) to compile a fortran module (specifically igrf12.f from the BGS) using f2py and Python 3.6 …

windows-10 anaconda mingw python-3.6 f2py
Running Flask dev server in Python 3.6 raises ImportError for SocketServer and ForkingMixIn

I am trying to run a basic Flask app using Python 3.6. However, I get an ImportError: cannot import name 'ForkingMixIn'. …

python flask werkzeug python-3.6
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gevent.wsgi'

I'm getting the following error while running a flask app: from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gevent.…

python python-3.6 wsgi gevent rasa-core
how to create serializer for an enum field in django rest framework

i am writing an API in python django rest framework and i am stuck at creating a serializer field for …

django django-models django-rest-framework python-3.6 django-serializer