Top "Python-2.7" questions

Python 2.7 is the last major version in the 2.x series, and is no longer maintained since January 1st 2020.

How to convert integer into date object python?

I am creating a module in python, in which I am receiving the date in integer format like 20120213, which signifies …

python python-2.7 date python-datetime strptime
How to install OpenSSL for Python

I need to install OpenSSL on my python2.7. I tried $ pip install pyopenssl And I got the following /usr/local/…

python python-2.7 ssl openssl pyopenssl
Python: how to join entries in a set into one string?

Basically, I am trying to join together the entries in a set in order to output one string. I am …

python list set python-2.7
pandas: find percentile stats of a given column

I have a pandas data frame my_df, where I can find the mean(), median(), mode() of a given column: …

python python-2.7 pandas statistics
How to extract text from an existing docx file using python-docx

I'm trying to use python-docx module (pip install python-docx) but it seems to be very confusing as in github repo …

python python-2.7 python-3.x python-docx
Visual Studio Code pylint: Unable to import 'protorpc'

I'm using pylint in Visual Studio Code to develop a Google App Engine (GAE) Cloud Endpoint API in Python. I'm …

python visual-studio python-2.7 google-app-engine protorpc
filter items in a python dictionary where keys contain a specific string

I'm a C coder developing something in python. I know how to do the following in C (and hence in …

python python-2.7 dictionary filtering
How to unzip gz file using Python

I need to extract a gz file that I have downloaded from an FTP site to a local Windows file …

python python-2.7 gzip
how to get the last part of a string before a certain character?

I am trying to print the last part of a string before a certain character. I'm not quite sure whether …

python string python-2.7 split slice
Python os.path.join() on a list

I can do >>> os.path.join("c:/","home","foo","bar","some.txt") 'c:/home\\foo\\bar\\some.…

python python-2.7 os.path