Top "Pytables" questions

A Python library for working with extremely large hierarchical (HDF5) datasets.

install HDF5 and pytables in ubuntu

I am trying to install tables package in Ubuntu 14.04 but sems like it is complaining. I am trying to install …

python ubuntu-14.04 hdf5 pytables
How to get faster code than for matrix multiplication?

Here Matrix multiplication using hdf5 I use hdf5 (pytables) for big matrix multiplication, but I was suprised because using hdf5 …

python numpy matrix-multiplication hdf5 pytables
Convert large csv to hdf5

I have a 100M line csv file (actually many separate csv files) totaling 84GB. I need to convert it to …

python csv pandas hdf5 pytables
Merging two tables with millions of rows in Python

I am using Python for some data analysis. I have two tables, the first (let's call it 'A') has 10 million …

python join merge pandas pytables
Python: how to store a numpy multidimensional array in PyTables?

How can I put a numpy multidimensional array in a HDF5 file using PyTables? From what I can tell I …

python arrays multidimensional-array numpy pytables
How do I remove hex values in a python string with regular expressions?

I have a cell array in matlab columns = {'MagX', 'MagY', 'MagZ', ... 'AccelerationX', 'AccelerationX', 'AccelerationX', ... 'AngularRateX', 'AngularRateX', 'AngularRateX', ... 'Temperature'} I use …

python string matlab hdf5 pytables
Iteratively writing to HDF5 Stores in Pandas

Pandas has the following examples for how to store Series, DataFrames and Panelsin HDF5 files: Prepare some data: In [1142]: store = …

python io pandas hdf5 pytables
Improve pandas (PyTables?) HDF5 table write performance

I've been using pandas for research now for about two months to great effect. With large numbers of medium-sized trace …

python performance pandas hdf5 pytables
HDF5 taking more space than CSV?

Consider the following example: Prepare the data: import string import random import pandas as pd matrix = np.random.random((100, 3000)) my_…

python pandas hdf5 pytables