Top "Pyqt" questions

PyQt is a set of Python v2 and v3 bindings for The Qt Company's Qt application framework and runs on all platforms supported by Qt including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android

PySide - PyQt : How to make set QTableWidget column width as proportion of the available space?

I'm developing a computer application with PySide and I'm using the QTableWidget. Let's say my table has 3 columns, but the …

python qt user-interface pyqt pyside
pyqt: how to remove a widget?

I have a QGroupBox widget with children in it that I want to remove. How do I do that? I …

python qt widget pyqt
How to add items to a combobox in PyQt

I need some help adding some items to a QComboBox. So I have two comboboxes, and one populates the other …

python pyqt pyqt5 pyqt4 qcombobox
Example of the right way to use QThread in PyQt?

I'm trying to learn how to use QThreads in a PyQt Gui application. I have stuff that runs for a …

python pyqt pyqt4 qthread
How to configure PyQt4 for Python 3 in Ubuntu?

This question was originally asked in but got no attention so I think maybe this is a better …

ubuntu python-3.x pyqt
wxPython vs PyQt vs PyGTK: when and what to use?

Need advise from those who have minimum health experience to design GUI interfaces with Python. When and what to choose …

user-interface wxpython pyqt pygtk
PyQt: How to set Combobox to Item knowing Item's text (a title)

Is it possible to set Combobox to an item knowing an Item's text value. I am trying to avoid looping …

python pyqt pyqt5 pyqt4 qcombobox
How to get the physical interface IP address from an interface

What I have done so far, using PyQt classes: all_Addresses = QNetworkInterface.allAddresses() #list-of-QHostAddress for addr in all_Addresses: print(…

python python-3.x pyqt ip-address
dynamically adding and removing widgets in PyQt

using PyQt, I am trying to create an interface for which I can add or remove widget dynamically. I want …

python pyqt pyqt4
PyQt or PySide - which one to use

I started learning a bit of python and would now like to toy around a bit with gui-building. Qt seems …

python pyqt pyside