Top "Pyparsing" questions

The pyparsing module is an alternative approach to creating and executing simple grammars, vs.

Parsing SQL with Python

I want to create a SQL interface on top of a non-relational data store. Non-relational data store, but it makes …

python sql parsing pyparsing
How best to parse a simple grammar?

Ok, so I've asked a bunch of smaller questions about this project, but I still don't have much confidence in …

python parsing nlp pyparsing ply
Simple recursive descent in PyParsing

I've tried taking this code and converting it to something for a project I'm working on for programming language processing, …

python pyparsing recursive-descent
How can I use pyparsing to parse nested expressions that have multiple opener/closer types?

I'd like to use pyparsing to parse an expression of the form: expr = '(gimme [some {nested [lists]}])', and …

python pyparsing
parsing a complex logical expression in pyparsing in a binary tree fashion

I am trying to parse complex logical expression like the one below; x > 7 AND x < 8 OR x = 4 and …

python pyparsing
pyparsing example

It is my first attempt to use pyparsing and I'd like to ask how to filter this sample line: survey = …

python pyparsing