Top "Pymongo-3.x" questions

Version 3 of [pymongo]

Why is PyMongo 3 giving ServerSelectionTimeoutError?

I'm using: Python 3.4.2 PyMongo 3.0.2 mongolab running mongod 2.6.9 uWSGI 2.0.10 CherryPy 3.7.0 nginx 1.6.2 uWSGI start params: --socket --daemonize --enable-threads --threads 2 --processes 2 I setup …

python mongodb uwsgi mlab pymongo-3.x
How to escape @ in a password in pymongo connection?

My question is a specification of how can i validate username password for mongodb authentication through pymongo?. I'm trying to …

python mongodb authentication pymongo-3.x
pymongo: ImportError: No module named pymongo

I successfully installed pymongo using pip3 Aleeshas-MacBook-Air:project 2 aleesha$ sudo pip3 install pymongo The directory '/Users/aleesha/Library/Caches/…

python mongodb python-3.x pymongo pymongo-3.x
Pymongo $in Query Not Working

Seeing some strange behavior in Pymongo $in query. Looking for records that meet the following query: speciesCollection.find({"SPCOMNAME":{"$in":[…

python mongodb pymongo pymongo-3.x
How to dump a collection to json file using pymongo

I am trying to dump a collection to .json file but after looking in pymongo tutorial I can not find …

python json mongodb pymongo-3.x
pymongo error: filter must be an instance of dict, bson.son.SON, or other type that inherits from collections.Mapping

I think the query is correct but still an error. findQ = {"fromid": wordid}, {"toid":1} res= self.db.wordhidden.find(findQ) …

python pymongo-3.x
Why is PyMongo count_documents is slower than count?

In db['TF'] I have about 60 million records. I need to get the quantity of the records. If I run …

mongodb mongodb-query pymongo pymongo-3.x
Python pyodbc.row to list

I am trying to create a python script to convert from SQLServer database to Mongodb. In the query from SQLServer, …

python sql-server pymongo-3.x
Pymongo's update_one() returns UpdateResult with AttributeError

I just upgraded my MongoDB and Pymongo to the latest version 3.2.1 to be able to use the UpdateResult object after …

python mongodb pycharm pymongo pymongo-3.x
Bulk update in Pymongo using multiple ObjectId

I want to update thousands of documents in mongo collection. I want to find them using ObjectId and then whichever …

python mongodb python-2.7 pymongo pymongo-3.x