Top "Pygresql" questions

error : command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 while installing pygresql

I am trying to install the pygresql package using "pip install pygresql" but I get the error : command 'gcc' failed …

macos python-3.x pygresql
Installing pgdb: pg_config tool is not available

So here is my goal: To get a .py file that imports pgdb, to run. For this, as far as …

python postgresql pygresql pgdb
ver.2 PyGreSQL ERROR: from _pg import * ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found

I have the same problem that was discussed here, but I haven't credit to comment an answer so I start …

python postgresql dllimport pygresql
How to iterate over Postgresql rows in a Python script?

I'm writing a script which selects from a DB table and iterates over the rows. In MySQL I would do: …

python postgresql pygresql