Top "Purely-functional" questions

Purely Functional is a term in computer science used to describe algorithms, data structures, or programming languages that do not allow modification of data at run-time.

Kotlin: Update Immutable List Element

Kotlin beginner here. How do I take a list and without mutating it, create a second (immutable) list with one …

kotlin purely-functional
How can I avoid nested ternary expressions in my code?

I have code like this. How can I write it in cleaner, more elegant way using functional programming in JavaScript? …

javascript functional-programming purely-functional
Clojure: working with a java.util.HashMap in an idiomatic Clojure fashion

I have a java.util.HashMap object m (a return value from a call to Java code) and I'd like …

clojure interop hashmap purely-functional clojure-java-interop
Efficient heaps in purely functional languages

As an exercise in Haskell, I'm trying to implement heapsort. The heap is usually implemented as an array in imperative …

haskell functional-programming binary-heap heapsort purely-functional
What is the benefit of purely functional data structure?

There are large number of texts on data structures, and libraries of data structures code. I understand that purely functional …

data-structures haskell functional-programming ocaml purely-functional
scala functional - methods/functions inside or outside case class?

as a beginner in Scala - functional way, I'm little bit confused about whether should I put functions/methods for …

scala functional-programming purely-functional
Scala fold right and fold left

I am trying to learn functional programming and Scala, so I'm reading the "Functional Programming in Scala" by Chiusano and …

scala functional-programming purely-functional foldleft
Logging from within a Functional Programming Paradigm

I prefer to stick as closely as possible to the functional paradigm, squeezing as close as I can get to …

logging functional-programming purely-functional
Why are "pure" functions called "pure"?

A pure function is one that has no side effects -- it cannot do any kind of I/O and …

function functional-programming purely-functional pure-function