Top "Puma" questions

Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP server for Ruby/Rack applications.

Is RAILS_MAX_THREADS something that Puma will set and scale during build time , or should I set it?

I know Rails 5 ships with Puma (which we're using) and will look for RAILS_MAX_THREADS as an environment variable …

multithreading heroku ruby-on-rails-5 puma actioncable
Worker, Threads & Pool size using Puma

If I have a server with 1 core, how many puma workers, threads and what database pool size is appropriate? What's …

ruby pool worker puma
Rails server start/stop

To run the Rails server, I use $rails server. It says 'To stop, click Ctrl+c'. I use Putty. The …

ruby-on-rails puma
Rails: An unhandled lowlevel error occurred. The application logs may have details

I made this on my server: deploy@ubuntu-512mb-ams2-01:~/applications/spa_backend/current$ bundle exec rake secret 4b921910** deploy@…

ruby-on-rails ruby capistrano capistrano3 puma
Puma / missing logs

Why I don't see any Rails specific entries in the logs ? I'm using Puma 2.7.1 with Nginx proxy, on a normal …

ruby-on-rails ruby nginx puma
How can I serve requests concurrently with Rails 4?

I'm trying to serve multiple requests concurrently in Rails 4, something I was able to do very easily with config.threadsafe! …

ruby-on-rails ruby concurrency puma
why did gitlab 6 switch back to unicorn?

Gitlab 6.0 was released yesterday. I am curious to know why they switched to Unicorn from Puma. Versions prior to 5 were …

ruby-on-rails passenger unicorn gitlab puma
Puma and Nginx 502 Bad Gateway error (Ubuntu Server 14.04)

I need to deploy my rails application,So I have followed all step from here,…

ruby-on-rails ruby nginx puma
ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished - No connection pool for X

I can't make my sinatra/ruby app hosted on heroku works as desired. I fiddled with some setup trying to …

ruby-on-rails postgresql sinatra rails-activerecord puma
Is puma the ONLY multi-threaded rails 4 http server?

I've gotten our stack converted to Rails 4 (yea!) and I'm looking to take advantage of the thread-safe code. Puma works …

ruby-on-rails multithreading ruby-on-rails-4 thin puma