Top "Puma" questions

Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP server for Ruby/Rack applications.

Where does Puma log to

I have been using Thin to run my ruby Sinatra applications but I am now switching over to Puma. Thin …

ruby logging webserver thin puma
Cannot install Puma gem on Ruby on Rails

I'm trying to install the puma gem, but when I run gem install puma I get this error message: Temporarily …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-4 rubygems puma
How to configure Rails with Puma to use SSL?

I only found how to start puma using SSL: $ puma -b 'ssl://…

ruby-on-rails ssl puma
HTTP parse error, malformed request - Ruby on Rails

I see the following error in Terminal when attempting to run a Ruby on Rails app. HTTP parse error, malformed …

ruby-on-rails puma
AWS EB Error: Incorrect application version found on all instances

I am trying to use the EB CLI to deploy an application into an environment but I seem to be …

ruby-on-rails amazon-web-services deployment amazon-elastic-beanstalk puma
How to run rails puma server with config file using 'rails s puma'

I am able to run a puma server in rails using either rails s puma or just puma. According to …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-4.1 puma
Rails server doesn't see code changes and reload files

I noticed that my rails server doesn't reload controllers, models and probably any other files after I change them. I …

ruby-on-rails vagrant puma ruby-on-rails-5
Change local web server back to WEBrick in Rails from Puma

I was following the Heroku docs on getting Puma set up and entered this command: bundle exec puma -t 5:5 -p ${…

ruby-on-rails webrick puma
PG::TRDeadlockDetected: ERROR: deadlock detected

I am restarting 8 puma workers via bundle exec pumactl -F config/puma.rb phased-restart what works fine. Now I am …

ruby-on-rails ruby postgresql puma idle-processing
How to monitor a puma server?

Is there a way to monitor the status of a puma server? most specifically, how many busy workers it has …

ruby-on-rails puma