Top "Pug" questions

Pug (formerly known as Jade) is a robust, elegant and feature-rich template engine for Node.

Jade to HTML converter

I have started writing an application using nodejs and jade, but after a while my team decided to switch to …

html converter pug
How do I display todays date in Node.js Jade?

I am new to Node.js and Jade and I have tried to use #{} and it's giving me …

node.js date pug
Jade template with variables (nodejs server side)

So i want to show a contacts list and for that I have transformed each contact div into jade code, …

javascript node.js express pug
Submit Jade form

What is the error with the following Jade form template? I can't get it to submit values. div form(action=…

node.js pug form-submit
pugjs(jade) template engine loading css file

I've been searching in the examples on the GitHub but I couldn't find how to load a simple css file …

css node.js pug pugjs
How can I get Express to output nicely formatted HTML?

When using Express for Node.js, I noticed that it outputs the HTML code without any newline characters or tabs. …

node.js express pug pretty-print
Delete document using findOneAndRemove Mongoose

I am receiving this error when trying to delete a document from the database: Cannot GET /delete/532fa5e56f885…

node.js mongodb mongoose pug node.js-connect
Syntax highlighting for Jade in Sublime Text 2?

I just started using Sublime Text 2 on Mac. I also just started using Jade for my views in Node.js, …

editor sublimetext2 pug syntax-highlighting sublimetext
Node.js with Express: Importing client-side javascript using script tags in Jade views?

I've got a node.js express server running with the Jade template engine. I've got a layout jade file which …

javascript node.js express pug
AngularJS ui-router : Could not resolve___ from state ___ Error

I am following along on this year old ui-router tutorial and I'm getting the following …

angularjs pug angular-ui-router mean-stack