Top "Pug" questions

Pug (formerly known as Jade) is a robust, elegant and feature-rich template engine for Node.

Passing raw Markdown text to Jade

I'm playing around with my first Node.js Express application, and as every programmer knows, the first thing you should …

node.js markdown express pug
Express.js: app.locals vs res.locals vs req.session

I'm trying to understand when it's best to use each of the following. Here is my rudimentary understanding: app.locals …

node.js express pug
How can I escape curly braces inside jade templates?

ho can I escape curly braces inside a jade teplate? (I use jade inside node.js) I want to render …

templates node.js escaping pug curly-braces
Is there a jade template engine for ASP.NET MVC?

I've always been searching for a best suitable ViewEngine for me in ASP.NET MVC, and after observing a ton … templates pug viewengine
AngularJS with Express Templates or pure HTML? Pros and Cons?

Express JS uses templates for generating HTML and then server sends them to client in response. There may be several …

node.js angularjs express pug ejs
Render Image Stored in Mongo (GridFS) with Node + Jade + Express

I have a small .png file stored in Mongo using GridFS. I would like to display the image in my …

node.js mongodb express pug gridfs
How do properly use css's "calc()' with ng-style

I have the following inline-styling using Angular's ng-style and css's "calc()', but it didn't work. Can anyone tell me …

css pug calc ng-style angularjs-ng-style
Jade templating in Meteor

In the Meteor FAQs there is some information about adding a different (than the default …

meteor pug
Static HTML compilation with partials using Grunt.js

I've been looking all over for something that will let me precompile static websites using Grunt. It needs to have …

html web pug dust.js
How to use google analytics from jade file

I want to track the users of my website. Since I do not have an old fashioned HTML file, should …

node.js google-analytics pug