Top "Psutil" questions

psutil (python system and process utilities) is a cross-platform library for retrieving information on running processes and system utilization (CPU, memory, disks, network) in Python.

Error : No module named 'psutil'

I've been trying to install Peter Chervenski's MultiNEAT and ran into a problem while running (python …

python psutil
How to get the percentage of memory usage of a process?

Using the following code, I can get the memory consumption of a give process in MiB: def memory_usage_psutil(): # …

python linux psutil
install latest psutil version in centos 6.7

My system os version is (centos)6.7 with installed python version is 2.6.* When I tried to install a python module psutil …

python python-2.7 centos versioning psutil
Find if process is running in Windows psutil

process_name = "CCC.exe" for proc in psutil.process_iter(): if == process_name: print ("have") else: print ("Dont …

python windows psutil
psutil: Measuring the cpu usage of a specific process

Im trying to measure the cpu usage of a process tree. Currently getting the cpu_usage of a process (without …

python cpu-usage psutil
Any pyinstaller detailed example about hidden import for psutil?

I want to compile my python code to binary by using pyinstaller, but the hidden import block me. For example, …

python pyinstaller psutil
Failed building wheel for psutil

I am trying to install psutil in centos and same is failing with gcc error . I have referred various posts …

python python-2.7 gcc pip psutil
cpu_percent(interval=None) always returns 0 regardless of interval value PYTHON

The code always returns 0.0 values, regardless of interval values. import psutil p = psutil.Process() print p.cpu_percent(interval=1) print …

python psutil
Memory usage of a single process with psutil in python (in byte)

How to get the amount of memory which has been used by a single process in windows platform with psutil …

memory process psutil
Python 3.4 Installing psutil on Windows 7 x64

I'm trying to install from source psutil 2.1.0 for Python 3.4. My OS is Windows 7 x64. I receive the error: c:\Python34\…

python psutil