PsExec is a light-weight telnet-replacement that lets you execute processes on other systems, complete with full interactivity for console applications, without having to manually install client software.
There is an exe (D:\TestFile.exe) in remote pc(SYSDES208). When run, it just creates a text file with …
command-prompt psexecI am trying to use a windows batch script that uses PsExec to execute commands on a remote machine. Periodically …
batch-file scripting remote-access psexecI am using psexec to execute commands on remote server. Here is my command, PsExec.exe" -u user \\server -h …
psexec command-line-tool remote-executionDoes psexec work against Windows 10 remote hosts? I'm running psexec from a Windows 7 machine. When the remote host is Windows 8.1, …
shell windows-10 remote-access psexec sysinternalsI'm trying to set an environment variable on a remote machine. setx /s machine var value doesn't work - it …
windows environment-variables psexec setxI am trying to launch a GUI application remotely using PsExec. ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo(@"<path to dir>"); …
c# user-interface psexecI am experiencing a weird issue when attempting to run a .NET command line tool remotely using PsExec. When running …
c# .net process psexec start-processI am trying to launch notepad.exe on remote server A from local server B. below is the command which …
windows remote-debugging remote-server psexec sysinternalsGOAL Remotely access from a machine to another, using psexec, in order to start/stop a net service. CONFIGURATION Windows 10 …
service windows-10 remote-access access-denied psexecPSEXEC started to give me some trouble, and I decided to recode in PowerShell. This batch command used to work …
powershell installation psexec invoke-command