Top "Prototype" questions

In prototype-based languages, the prototype of an object is a set of properties which is inherited by all objects which are based on this object.

Suggested platform/tools for rapid game development and game prototyping

What platforms and tools should I use for rapid game development and prototyping? Say that I have an idea for …

prototype rad
Javascript: Overwriting function's prototype - bad practice?

Since when we declare a function we get its prototype's constructor property point to the function itself, is it a …

javascript constructor prototype
Prototyping Object in Javascript breaks jQuery?

I have added a simple .js file to my page that has some pretty mundane common-task sort of functions added …

javascript jquery prototype prototyping
Prototypical inheritance - writing up

So I have these 2 examples, from Example 1: var animal = { eat: function() { alert( "I'm full" ) this.full = true } } var …

javascript inheritance prototype
Where to add String prototype

I'm currently using JavaScript (CommonJS) in Titanium Studio and have a question about prototyping. Suppose that I want to add …

javascript titanium prototype
Is there a way to add try-catch to every function in Javascript?

For error reporting, I would like to insert a try-catch wrapper around the code of every function I have. So …

javascript error-handling try-catch prototype
Defining methods via prototype vs using this in the constructor - really a performance difference?

In JavaScript, we have two ways of making a "class" and giving it public functions. Method 1: function MyClass() { var privateInstanceVariable = …

javascript performance memory-management prototype
Default argument promotions in C function calls

Setup I have a few questions about the default argument promotions when calling a function in C. Here's section "Function …

c function prototype promotions
What's the difference between isPrototypeOf and instanceof in Javascript?

In some of my own older code, I use the following: Object.prototype.instanceOf = function( iface ) { return iface.prototype.isPrototypeOf( …

javascript inheritance prototype instanceof
Class.prototype.method vs this.prototype.method

I've always seen examples of Class.prototype.method, but never instances of this.prototype.method. For example: function Class() { this.…

javascript prototype