Top "Progress-bar" questions

A progress bar is a component in a graphical user interface used to convey the progress of a task, such as a download or file transfer.

show loading spinner in the Jquery popup

I am using jquery popup that loads a external page inside an Iframe. Now I want to show loading spinner …

jquery iframe progress-bar bpopup
How to add a border/corner radius to a LinearProgressIndicator in Flutter?

I am trying to add a border radius to a LinearProgressIndicator in Flutter. When I replace the LinearProgressIndicator with another …

flutter progress-bar cornerradius
Are there customizable progress bars for iOS?

UIProgressView doesn't allow any customization. I know it's not exactly something complicated, but still I'd prefer to use an open …

iphone ios ipad progress-bar uiprogressview
How to create a Youtube style loading bar with Rails 4's Turbolinks?

Is there a way to make a Youtube style loading bar (the inter-page across the top bar) with turbo-links. Turbolinks …

ruby-on-rails ajax progress-bar ruby-on-rails-4 turbolinks
show ProgressBar or Dialog from an IntentService for download progress

I have an activity with a "download" button which fires up DownloadManager implemented in an IntentService. Everything is working just …

android progress-bar progressdialog download-manager
Keras verbose training progress bar writing a new line on each batch issue

running a Dense feed-forward neural net in Keras. there are class_weights for two outputs, and sample_weights for a …

tensorflow progress-bar theano keras keras-layer
How to send values to Zenity progress bar

I've written a simple script that uses 7zip to backup a directory. Everything works, but now I wanted to add …

linux shell progress-bar zenity
Possible to do rounded corners in custom Progressbar progressDrawable?

I have a progress bar that is supposed to look like the attached image: And I've made it a long …

android layout progress-bar rounded-corners skinning
setProgressDrawable fills the entire seekBar

As I say in the title, when I use setProgressDrawable, it fills the entire SeekBar: if progress is at 34%, progress …

android progress-bar progress seekbar fill
Android round edges on ring shaped progressbar

I'm trying to make a circular progress bar on android and it seems pretty straightforward task , but I'm struggling with …

android widget progress-bar drawable cornerradius