Top "Procrun" questions

Procrun is a set of applications that allow Windows users to wrap (mostly) Java applications (e.g. Tomcat) as a Windows service.

Apache commons daemon "Failed creating Java" error

I'm trying to start a Windows service using the Apache commons daemon. It works on Windows XP, but I'm trying …

daemon apache-commons procrun
prunsrv.exe Service not starting up

I am trying to install and start a service with prunsrv.exe for an application I am able to install …

java apache-commons procrun
Spring boot JAR as windows service

I am trying to wrap a spring boot "uber JAR" with procrun. Running the following works as expected: java -jar …

spring-boot procrun
apache procrun fails to start service

EDIT I am making use of the loaderDeamon interface to install and run a java app as a windows service. …

java multithreading service procrun
Apache daemons procrun prunsrv Windows exe mode not working

For a few years we've been using Procrun to turn Java apps into Services (and without problems). We also have …

java windows service native procrun
Windows service installed with Procrun works in //TS mode, but doesn't start as a Windows service saying it "started and then stopped"

I installed a standard executable jar file as a Windows service by running the following command: > prunsrv.exe //IS//"…

java windows-services executable-jar procrun