Top "Primeng-dialog" questions

How to call angular function when click p-dialog close(X) button?

How to call angular function when click p-dialog close(X) button? I have searched and just tried this (onHide)="cancel()" . …

angular typescript primeng primeng-dialog
Angular4 PrimeNG dialog as component

I am struggeling with an angular/primeng problem. i am new with angular4 and i am trying to open and …

angular primeng primeng-dialog
PrimeNG dropdown hidden by dialog

I have an Angular2 app using PrimeNG components. I want a dropdown inside a dialog box. However, when i have …

angular primeng primeng-dropdowns primeng-dialog
Angular 2 Nested Modal Dialog with PrimeNG doesn't work

I am using the PrimeNG dialog component and I have a modal dialog from which, on the click of a …

html angular primeng primeng-dialog
How to open a PrimeNG p-dialog box on a button click and pass data from the component to p-dialog?

I am working on an Angular migration project where the code is being refactored from AngularJS to Angular 5. Here is …

angular primeng primeng-dialog
PrimeNG p-dialog modal in Angular application blocks background and the dialog window itself

I am using a p-dialog PrimeNG component in my Angular 5 application like this: <p-dialog [(visible)]="displayModal" [modal]="true" [width]="500" […

angular primeng primeng-dialog