Top "Prime-factoring" questions

The decomposition of composite numbers into a unique list of prime numbers that, when multiplied together, equal that number.

Algorithm to find Largest prime factor of a number

What is the best approach to calculating the largest prime factor of a number? I'm thinking the most efficient would …

algorithm math prime-factoring
Prime factorization - list

I am trying to implement a function primeFac() that takes as input a positive integer n and returns a list …

python python-3.x prime-factoring
Fast prime factorization module

I am looking for an implementation or clear algorithm for getting the prime factorization of N in either python, pseudocode …

python algorithm prime-factoring
Finding prime factors

#include <iostream> using namespace std; void whosprime(long long x) { bool imPrime = true; for(int i = 1; i <= …

c++ primes prime-factoring factorization
Segmented Sieve of Eratosthenes?

It's easy enough to make a simple sieve: for (int i=2; i<=N; i++){ if (sieve[i]==0){ cout <&…

algorithm primes sieve-of-eratosthenes prime-factoring factors
Prime Factors In C#

I want to create a program in C# 2005 which calculates prime factors of a given input. i want to use …

c# primes prime-factoring
efficient ways of finding the largest prime factor of a number

I'm doing this problem on a site that I found (project Euler), and there is a question that involves finding …

python primes prime-factoring factorization
How many prime numbers are there (available for RSA encryption)?

Am I mistaken in thinking that the security of RSA encryption, in general, is limited by the amount of known …

cryptography rsa primes prime-factoring
What's a nice method to factor gaussian integers?

I already have prime factorization (for integers), but now I want to implement it for gaussian integers but how should …

algorithm math complex-numbers prime-factoring number-theory
Prime factors in Haskell

I'm new to Haskell. How to generate a list of lists which contains prime factors of next integers? Currently, I …

haskell primes factorization prime-factoring