Top "Prettyfaces" questions

PrettyFaces is the leading `/url/#{rewriting}` solution for Servlet, JSF, and Java EE

Remove jsessionid from URL

I'm working on a project with the following technologies: Spring ShiroFilter PrettyFaces Tomcat server While I'm deploying it on tomcat …

spring tomcat6 shiro prettyfaces
Spring - Rewrite one URL to another

I have a Spring 2.5 application that contains a Flash banner. I don't have the source for the Flash component but …

java spring spring-mvc url-rewriting prettyfaces
URL rewriting solution needed for JSF

Suppose the following application landscape: +-----------------+ | App server | +-----------------+ | | +-------+ | ear1 | | | | +-web1 (/ctx1) +--<-- http://localhost/ctx1/xxx/ …

java jsf web-applications jsf-2 prettyfaces