I just installed PrestaShop and I'm getting error 500 when I'm trying to access /admin. My admin folder on FTP is renamed to admin[random_string] (how? why?). Frontend seems to be working ok.
When I remove /admin/.htaccess I get 404, when I put it back, I get 500. I did change anything inside of it.
What could be a problem?
After the installation if you have not renamed the admin folder PrestaShop does it for you, for security reason. So in your case the folder was renamed as admin[random string]
, if you want you can rename it as you want.
Obviously now to access to the backoffice you have to use the 'new' path, for example in your case, http://www.myshop.com/admin[random string]/
and not http://www.myshop.com/admin/