Top "Premature-optimization" questions

Premature optimization is the optimizing of code for performance reasons before the code has been measured or profiled to determine if the optimization will actually be beneficial.

Which "if" construct is faster - statement or ternary operator?

There are two types of if statements in java - classic: if {} else {} and shorthand: exp ? value1 : value2. Is one …

java performance if-statement shorthand premature-optimization
Are Java static calls more or less expensive than non-static calls?

Is there any performance benefit one way or another? Is it compiler/VM specific? I am using Hotspot.

java performance premature-optimization
When is optimisation premature?

As Knuth said, We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of …

optimization premature-optimization
In Python, is there a way to call a method on every item of an iterable?

Possible Duplicate: Is there a map without result in python? I often come to a situation in my programs when …

python methods iteration premature-optimization
At which n does binary search become faster than linear search on a modern CPU?

Due to the wonders of branch prediction, a binary search can be slower than a linear search through an array …

algorithm search premature-optimization
Java: Performance of Enums vs. if-then-else

I've had no real luck getting a concise answer for this comparison by using Google and rather than do my …

java performance enums if-statement premature-optimization
Is ++i really faster than i++ in for-loops in java?

In java I usually make a for-loop like following: for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { something } But recently a …

java loops performance premature-optimization
Calling a getter multiple times or calling once and assigning to a variable?

say suppose I have class as : public class Age { private int age; public int getAge() { return this.age; } } In my …

java premature-optimization