The java.
I've implemented my preferences like shown in the official guidelines. I have a PreferenceActivity which creates the PreferenceFragment like this: @…
android settings preferences preferenceactivity preferencefragmentI have noticed that my app's SharedPreferences are completely reset if the app is force closed or is killed by …
android crash preferences sharedpreferencesHere is my code: How do they differ and which values get displayed on the dialog? <ListPreference android:entryValues="@…
android sharedpreferences preferences listpreferenceOk, I have a Preferences activity set with an XML layout. Here I have a couple of Preferences that open …
android themes preferences customizationI'm trying to implement a basic settings activity in an Android app and either get a blank white screen or …
android android-fragments android-actionbar settings preferencesI have an eclipse rcp and want to hide the security and help prerence pages. How can I do that?
eclipse preferences rcp