For questions related to statistical prediction, especially for programming tasks.
Suppose there is a sequence of observations,e.g. [1,2,3,5,5,5,2,3,2,3, ..., 3, 4]. I am trying to use the current implementation of HMM in …
machine-learning scikit-learn prediction hidden-markov-models markovIt's a useful and common practice to append predicted values and residuals from running a regression onto a dataframe as …
python pandas dataframe prediction statsmodels> age <- c(23,19,25,10,9,12,11,8) > steroid <- c(27.1,22.1,21.9,10.7,7.4,18.8,14.7,5.7) > sample <- data.frame(age,steroid) > fit2 &…
r linear-regression prediction lmIn computer architecture, what is difference between (branch) prediction and speculation?? These seems very similar, but i think there is …
cpu-architecture prediction speculative-executionI'm currently trying to build a simple model for predicting time series. The goal would be to train the model …
time-series tensorflow prediction lstmUsing the pima indians diabetes dataset I'm trying to build an accurate model using Keras. I've written the following code: # …
machine-learning tensorflow keras predictionBasically, I have a reasonably large list (a year's worth of data) of times that a single discrete event occurred (…
statistics predictionI'm messing around with machine learning, and I've written a K Means algorithm implementation in Python. It takes a two …
python machine-learning data-mining k-means predictionI am new to scikit-learn library and have been trying to play with it for prediction of stock prices. I …
python machine-learning scikit-learn prediction one-hot-encodingBackground: I am trying to use MATLAB's Neural Network toolbox to predict future values of data. I run it from …
matlab machine-learning neural-network time-series prediction