A precompiled header is a header file that has statically compiled but still separate from its final executable in order to speed up compilation of dependent files.
These functions are Utility type things that most of my programs objects will use. I want to have them in …
c++ linker-errors precompiled-headersI'm using Boost Program Options, and it takes quite a while (10 seconds or even more) for compiling very small C++ …
c++ boost compiler-construction precompiled-headersThis is my .pch file - // // Prefix header for all source files of the 'English Club' target in the 'English …
objective-c header-files precompiled-headersI understand what precompiled headers are doing with "#include "StdAfx.h" and yes, I know I can turn them off. …
c++ visual-studio-2012 visual-studio-2015 precompiled-headers stdafx.hWhat is the practical value ("what does it do") of putting #pragma hdrstop (no filename parameter) in a couple of …
c++ visual-c++ precompiled-headersAfter reading this nice article (The Care and Feeding of Pre-Compiled Headers), I have some doubts regarding how these can …
c++ gcc dependencies precompiled-headersI'm porting a big C++ project from Visual Studio to GCC for Android. Because of the large number of files, …
android gcc android-ndk precompiled-headers