The #pragma directives offer a way for each compiler to offer machine- and operating system-specific features while retaining overall compatibility with the C and C++ languages.
So I know what pragma is, and what it's used for, but what is the meaning of the word itself? …
c++ c terminology pragmaThis is related to Determine cause of segfault when using -O3? In the question, I'm catching a segfault in a …
c gcc optimization pragmaAs the title says: Is there a pragma directive for include directories using VS20** C++? I think about something like: #…
c++ visual-studio include pragmaIs there something similar to explicit code regions for folding in Qt Creator: #pragma region Region_1 void Test() {} void Test2() {} …
c++ qt-creator pragma code-foldingCan somebody tell me a workaround for #pragma once directive support for various compilers? I want to use in my …
c++ c pragmaFurthermore, how does the compiler determine the extent to unroll a loop, assuming all operations in the loop are completely …
c++ visual-c++ pragma preprocessor-directiveWhen the pragmas are used? When the database is created for first time or in each connection to database?
sqlite pragmaI want to disable a specific compiler warning with nvcc, specifically warning: NULL reference is not allowed The code I …
cuda compiler-warnings pragma nvccIt's common for compilers to provide a switch to warn when code is unreachable. I've also seen macros for some …
c gcc pragma built-in unreachable-codeWe recently enabled -Wall for a project. Its enabled when GCC is at 4.7 or above (or Clang) because we can …
c++ gcc openmp compiler-warnings pragma