How to execute sqlcmd from powershell?

Just a learner picture Just a learner · Mar 15, 2012 · Viewed 63.6k times · Source

I have a string in powershell, which contains a native sqlcmd command. The command itself can be executed successfully in cmd.exe. I have difficulty in executing them in powershell. Anyone can help? Thanks.

This is sql.sql

select @@servername
select @@servicename

This is the result when I execute the sqlcmd command from cmd.exe

C:\Users\test>sqlcmd -S "(local)\instance1" -U a -P a -i "c:\temp\sql.sql"


(1 rows affected)


(1 rows affected)


This is the powershell script to call the sqlcmd command.

$sql = @"
sqlcmd -S "(local)\instance1" -U a -P a -i "c:\temp\sql.sql"

Invoke-Command $sql

When I execute this powershell script, I got the following error.

PS C:\TEMP> $sql = @"
sqlcmd -S "(local)\instance1" -U a -P a -i "c:\temp\sql.sql"

Invoke-Command $sql
Invoke-Command : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parame
At line:5 char:15
+ Invoke-Command <<<<  $sql
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Invoke-Command], ParameterBin 
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousParameterSet,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands 


Andy Arismendi picture Andy Arismendi · Mar 15, 2012

To call a Win32 executable you want to use the call operator & like this:

& sqlcmd -S "(local)\instance1" -U a -P a -i "c:\temp\sql.sql"