Top "Powershell-4.0" questions

For topics and problems related specifically to Windows PowerShell 4.0. PowerShell 4.0 shipped with the releases of with Windows 8.1 and Windows 2012 R2.

Cannot run PowerShell cluster cmdlets from a standalone server

I have a terminal server which is a standalone server and 4 database servers (remote servers) which employ the Windows Failover …

powershell powershell-4.0 failovercluster
How to elevate an already running session within its own code

I'm writting a PowerShell script that configures some things in Active Directory. I need to run it as a specific …

powershell batch-file active-directory powershell-4.0 elevation
PowerShell XML SelectNodes fails to process XPath

I want to get a list of all project references in my csproj file using PowerShell. Currently I've the following …

xml powershell xpath powershell-4.0
Creating a scheduled task on Windows 7 using Powershell 4

Am I right in thinking that some of the newer Powershell commands related to the management of scheduled tasks (such …

powershell powershell-4.0
Get all DNS records associated with an IP

Background The following code returns the IPv4 address of a given alias or host: [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses('someDnsName').IPAddressToString …

.net powershell dns powershell-4.0
Powershell unable to connect to internet at all

I have looked everywhere for an answer to this, but I'm thinking maybe my Google ninja skills are lacking. I …

powershell powershell-4.0
Loading Assemblies from NuGet Packages

Sometimes in my PowerShell scripts, I need access to a specific DLL, using Add-Type -AssemblyName. However, the DLLs I need …

powershell nuget-package powershell-4.0
Only pass parameter if value supplied

Background I've created a wrapper function around Write-EventLog so that I can easily call it without having to concern myself …

powershell parameters optional-parameters powershell-4.0
Invoke-RestMethod Error: Cannot Send Body Type

I am trying to GET tickets from Freshdesk using the Invoke-RestMethod. The error I'm receiving is "Invoke-RestMethod: Cannot send a …

powershell powershell-2.0 powershell-3.0 powershell-4.0 freshdesk