Top "Powershell-3.0" questions

For topics and problems related specifically to Windows PowerShell 3.0. PowerShell 3.0 shipped with the releases of Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.

How to specify application pool identity user and password from PowerShell

I have been having lots of difficulty automating the setup of a Web application and configuring IIS appropriately with the …

iis powershell iis-7 powershell-3.0 web-administration
Basic Powershell - batch convert Word Docx to PDF

I am trying to use PowerShell to do a batch conversion of Word Docx to PDF - using a script …

powershell powershell-2.0 powershell-3.0
Can not convert String to Secure String for use in New-ADUser

I'm using Primal Forms Community Edition to create a GUI that will stream line our new student creation process for …

powershell powershell-2.0 powershell-3.0
How can I check if a file is older than a certain time with PowerShell?

How can I check in Powershell to see if a file in $fullPath is older than "5 days 10 hours 5 minutes" ? (by …

.net powershell powershell-3.0
Difference between PSObject, Hashtable, and PSCustomObject

Can anybody explain the details? If I create an object using $var = [PSObject]@{a=1;b=2;c=3} and then I look …

powershell powershell-3.0 psobject
Is there a way to have the PowerShell screen clear itself before each command?

I'm playing around with PowerShell and I find myself constantly typing cls before I run commands. Or worse, I run …

powershell powershell-3.0 powergui
Decoding base64 with powershell

I'm attempting to decode an attachment in an email file from base64 and save it to disk. For testing purposes, …

base64 powershell-3.0
How to get Powershell Invoke-Restmethod to return body of http 500 code response

Invoke-RestMethod call returns only very unhelpful exception below and does not (as far as I can tell) allow you to …

powershell powershell-3.0
How do I properly use the FolderBrowserDialog in Powershell

So I'm still fairly new to Powershell and I'm trying to write a script that allows the user to select …

Checking for the existence of an AD object; how do I avoid an ugly error message?

I have a bit of code that looks like this: if (Get-ADUser $DN -EA SilentlyContinue) { # Exists } else { # Doesn't Exist } Unfortunately, …

powershell error-handling active-directory powershell-3.0