Top "Powershell-1.0" questions

For issues relating to Windows PowerShell, version 1.0.

How to perform keystroke inside powershell?

I have ps1 script to grab some information from the vmware cluster environment. In some place of ps1 script requires …

powershell powershell-2.0 vmware powershell-1.0 vmware-server
Write-Host => Export to a file

I have got a script with some commands such as Write-Host "Server1". How can I export it to a file? …

powershell powershell-2.0 powershell-1.0
PowerShell: how to count number of rows in csv file?

How can I count the number of rows in a csv file using powershell? I tried something like Get-Content -length "…

command-line powershell csv count powershell-1.0
PowerShell script to move files and folders including subfolders from one location to another older than x days

I developed a PowerShell script, and it's working absolutely fine. The only challenge is the files in the subfolders are …

powershell powershell-2.0 powershell-3.0 powershell-1.0
Copy-Item copies directory as well as contents to UNC path

I'm trying to take the contents of a folder and copy it to another using PowerShell 1.0. Pretty simple stuff and …

powershell unc powershell-1.0
How to Remove ReadOnly Attribute on File Using PowerShell?

How can I remove the ReadOnly attribute on a file, using a PowerShell (version 1.0) script?

powershell powershell-1.0 scripting
Capturing Powershell output in C# after Pipeline.Invoke throws

I'm running a Powershell test script from a C# application. The script can fail due to a bad cmdlet which …

c# powershell powershell-1.0
Sending Formatted HTML email

I have a text file output.txt which has following content: OPERATINGSYSTEM PROJECTSERVER1 PROJECTSERVER2 Windows 1.36 4.42 Linux12 2.78 5.76 MacOS 3.45 6.39 Ubuntu 4.12 0.00 Android 0.00 3.46 FreePhysicalMemory 30.12 31.65 …

powershell powershell-2.0 powershell-1.0
How to sum only 2nd column values using powershell?

sharesize.ps1 echo " " $date1 = Get-Date Write-Host -foreground Yellow -background Black "Script Started at $date1" $path = "\*" get-childitem $path | where {$_.PSIsContainer} | foreach { $…

powershell powershell-2.0 powershell-3.0 powershell-1.0
PowerShell: Retrieve a specific internal XML element

I have an XML document with this structure: <Fruits> <Fruit> <Code>1</Code> &…

xml powershell powershell-1.0