Top "Postman" questions

Postman is a toolchain for API developers to share, test, document and monitor APIs.

IdentityServer "invalid_client" error always returned

I'm trying to use IdentityServer3, but don't know why I'm getting "invalid_client" error always, always no matter what I …

c# oauth-2.0 postman identityserver3 openid-connect
How to get Access Token using client_credentials using java code?

I have some API which requires access token to get the response. In postman we use OAuth 2.0 to get the …

java rest postman unirest
How do I import SoapUI project in Postman?

Can anyone help me in importing the SoapUI project in postman? I have imported wsdls in SoapUI. So I need …

soapui postman
How to download attachment from Postman Response

I have a API which sends response having following header: Headers(8) Test Results(1/1) Status:200 OK Time:5890 ms Size:1.24 MB Access-Control-Allow-Origin →* …

postman newman postman-collection-runner
How to store postman collections in source control

I am using POSTMAN collections to test my API before opening it up. I work with a team of developers …

api version-control postman
How to increase Variable value based on the iteration being run in Postman

I have an API request that I need to run in Postman-Collection-Runner thru multiple iterations. The API request uses Variable. …

postman postman-collection-runner
.Net Core WebAPI , Unable to post data with POSTMAN , error - 415 Unsupported MediaType

I am testing my first .net Core WebAPI with Postman unknown media type error is occurring. What am I missing? …

rest postman
API Testing Using SoapUI vs Postman vs Runscope

I'm new to using applications to test backend APIs. I've always just manually tested using the front-end applications. What I …

automated-tests soapui postman web-api-testing runscope
JHipster authentication using Postman and JWT

I'd been using the Postman in-tab extension to tests calls to call JHipster resource API's and found that it worked …

jwt jhipster postman
Django Rest Framework Postman Token Authentication

I am using Django Rest Framework Token authentication and if i do curl http://localhost:8000/api/v1/users/?format=json …

django rest curl django-rest-framework postman