Top "Postfix-operator" questions

A postfix operator immediately succeeds its operand, as in x! for instance.

Why avoid increment ("++") and decrement ("--") operators in JavaScript?

One of the tips for jslint tool is: ++ and -- The ++ (increment) and -- (decrement) operators have been known to …

javascript syntax jslint postfix-operator prefix-operator
What is the difference between prefix and postfix operators?

The following code prints a value of 9. Why? Here return(i++) will return a value of 11 and due to --i …

c postfix-operator prefix-operator
overloading postfix and prefix operators

please consider following code #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Digit { private: int m_digit; public: Digit(int …

c++ syntax language-lawyer postfix-operator prefix-operator
What does the postfix "_t" stand for in C?

Possible Duplicate: What does a type followed by _t (underscore-t) represent? While typing in my IDE (Xcode), autocomplete pops up …

c naming-conventions postfix-operator
How to increment a counter for a while loop within the loop?

I have a feeling I'm gonna feel really stupid here, but I'm just learning about using ++ and -- to increment …

c while-loop post-increment postfix-operator
Why does the postfix increment operator take a dummy parameter?

Have a look at these function signatures: class Number { public: Number& operator++ (); // prefix ++ Number operator++ (int); // postfix ++ }; Prefix doesn't …

c++ operator-overloading language-design prefix postfix-operator
i++ less efficient than ++i, how to show this?

I am trying to show by example that the prefix increment is more efficient than the postfix increment. In theory …

c++ optimization prefix postfix-operator