Top "Porting" questions

Converting existing code or executables to another programming language, environment, or architecture.

Is opengl cross platform? If not, how a game be ported?

Ok, so say I'm writing a game in c++ with opengl. The game draws a few, simple shapes like squares …

c++ opengl cross-platform porting
Cannot convert from 'const wchar_t *' to '_TCHAR *'

_TCHAR* strGroupName = NULL; const _TCHAR* strTempName = NULL; //Assign some value to strTempName strGroupName = _tcschr(strTempName, 92) //C2440 I get an error …

c++ visual-studio-2008 porting visual-c++-6
what are the alternative for win32 to alarm,bzero,bcopy when porting c code

im porting c code to windows 32 bit using visual studio express now i have 3 functions that i can't find any …

c winapi porting
Porting AWT graphics code to Android

We would like to use some of our existing Java AWT graphics code on the Android platform. As far as …

java android graphics awt porting
SQL Server equivalent of substring_index function in MySQL

I am trying to port a query from MySQL to SQL SERVER 2012. How do i write an equivalent for MySQL's …

mysql sql-server-2012 porting
Convert Unix/Linux time to Windows FILETIME

I am once again going from Windows to Linux, I have to port a function from Windows to Linux that …

c porting datetime-conversion time-t filetime
error C3861: 'strcasecmp': identifier not found in visual studio 2008?

im trying to port application from cygwin to visual studio 2008 express but im getting this error : error C3861: 'strcasecmp': identifier …

visual-studio-2008 cygwin porting
Java equivalent for .charCodeAt()

In JavaScript, .charCodeAt() returns a Unicode value at a certain point in the string which you pass to a function. …

java javascript string unicode porting
error: could not load android-info.txt

After I built the source code of android, I ran the following command and got the error. #fastboot -w flashall …

android build porting android-source fastboot
What's the Objective-C equivalent of JS's `map()` function?

What's the Objective-C equivalent of JS's map() function? Would I just use NSFastEnumeration and apply the function myself?

javascript objective-c porting