Top "Popen" questions

popen() is a way to communicate with subprocesses using a file-like interface.

output the command line called by subprocess?

I'm using the subprocess.Popen call, and in another question I found out that I had been misunderstanding how Python …

python command-line subprocess popen
Python subprocess timeout?

Is there any argument or options to setup a timeout for Python's subprocess.Popen method? Something like this: subprocess.Popen([…

python timeout pipe subprocess popen
Python subprocess.Popen() error (No such file or directory)

I am trying to count the number of lines in a file using Python functions. Within the current directory, while …

python subprocess system popen
Python popen() - communicate( str.encode(encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") ) crashes

Using Python 3.4.3 on Windows. My script runs a little java program in console, and should get the ouput: import subprocess …

python python-3.x encoding subprocess popen
Python subprocess Popen.communicate() equivalent to

Very specific question (I hope): What are the differences between the following three codes? (I expect it to be only …

python subprocess wait popen communicate
running a process as a different user from Python

I am running a script as userA with root access, from this script I want to make a popen() call …

python linux popen
How to capture the exit_code and stderr of the command that is run in C++?

I'm writing a c++ program that executes and outputs (in real-time) a shell script, makefile or just another program. However …

c++ popen stderr exit-code
link several Popen commands with pipes

I know how to run a command using cmd = subprocess.Popen and then subprocess.communicate. Most of the time I …

python command subprocess pipe popen
newbie python subprocess: "write error: Broken pipe"

Thanks to the helpful suggestions below: So it seems to be fixed when I separate commands into individual calls to …

python subprocess popen
Python Subprocess Grep

I am trying to use the grep command in a python script using the subprocess module. Here's what I have: …

python grep subprocess popen