Top "Pom.xml" questions

A Project Object Model or POM is the fundamental unit of work in Maven.

How can I view transitive dependencies of a Maven pom.xml file?

Is there a CLI tool I can use to quickly view the transitive dependencies of a Maven pom.xml file?

maven-2 maven dependencies pom.xml
Why am I receiving a "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration with GWT" error?

I'm using STS and I imported a GWT project from another machine. The project uses m2eclipse. I'm getting these …

eclipse gwt maven m2eclipse pom.xml
Getting maven project version and artifact ID from pom while running in Eclipse

I was looking up how to get the application name(artifact id) and version from maven pom or manifest when …

java maven-3 pom.xml
maven compilation - error log4j

i'm building java application and suddenly i found problem with compilation: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:…

maven log4j pom.xml
Maven - Depend on assembled zip

I'm trying to have a Project B pull down (and unpack) a ZIP built by Project A and deployed to …

maven zip pom.xml maven-assembly-plugin maven-dependency-plugin
Reading Properties file from POM file in Maven

Why is this NOT working ? How to pick the version numbers from the properties file. Reading properties in pom.xml &…

maven pom.xml
Maven Error : Maven Project Configuration for Module isn't availabe

I keep getting this error when I try to compile my code. I have the pom.xml file in my …

java maven intellij-idea pom.xml
Maven alternate pom

Is there an argument when calling a maven build to specify an alternate file in place of the standard pom.…

maven pom.xml
Filtering Maven files into WEB-INF

I am trying to add some filtering to the application context file, which resides in the WEB-INF directory. I have …

java maven-2 pom.xml
Maven: If sentences in pom.xml in the property tag

I'd like to set a property if an environment variable is set. I googled a lot on it and all …

xml maven if-statement pom.xml sentence