Top "Plsqldeveloper" questions

PL/SQL Developer is an Integrated Development Environment by Allround Automations that is specifically targeted at the development of stored program units for Oracle Databases.

Execute Immediate : Encountered the symbol

i am currently getting this error ORA-06550 PLS-00103 Encountered the symbol "VERSION"... Can any one help me rectify this problem? …

oracle function select plsqldeveloper execute-immediate
Thai language Configuration in Oracle

I have an issue regarding configuring Thai language in oracle (PL/SQL Developer). I have configured Thai language 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.…

oracle plsqldeveloper nls-lang
How to make dbms_metadata.get_ddl more pretty/useful

I am creating a package to generate the DDL of objects in my schema (you parse the object name, and …

oracle ddl plsqldeveloper dbms-metadata