Thai language Configuration in Oracle

muhammad umar picture muhammad umar · Feb 23, 2015 · Viewed 7.9k times · Source

I have an issue regarding configuring Thai language in oracle (PL/SQL Developer). I have configured Thai language 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.TH8TISASCII' in regedit. Also I configured Environment variables in my computer. But still when I connect PL/SQL developer and retrieve data, columns that should show Thai descriptions are showing garbage data. Please help me.

Example of garbage data is '¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿'

Oracle Configurations is as below : regedit->computer->HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->ORACLE->KEY_OraDB11g_home1

Windown Configuration is as below:

Mycomputer->Advanced system setting->Advanced System Settings->Environment Variables -> (here i added variable)

the same configuration is done by my peers and they got the configuration but i am not able to do this


Lalit Kumar B picture Lalit Kumar B · Feb 23, 2015

I have configured Thai language 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.TH8TISASCII' in regedit.

It means you have configured your NLS_LANGUAGE as AMERICAN and NLS_TERRITORY as AMERICA. Which is wrong.

You should select the following:


You need to do this at:

  1. Database level - init.ora file
  2. Environment level - NLS LANG settings

I think your characterset is fine.

UPDATE OP got the issue with PL/SQL Developer tool.

You can enter "alter session" commands in the AfterConnect.sql file in the PL/SQL Developer installation directory. For example:

alter session set nls_date_format='dd-mm-yyyy'; alter session set nls_territory='THAILAND'; alter session set nls_language='THAI';
