PL/pgSQL is the default procedural language for PostgreSQL.
I have a function that looks like this: BEGIN DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_1; END; I'm getting the following error: …
postgresql stored-procedures plpgsql ddl dblinkIs it possible to pass the results of a postgres query as an input into another function? As a very …
sql postgresql plpgsql postgresql-9.2I am trying to write a function to load csv data into a table. I want the input argument to …
sql postgresql plpgsql dynamic-sql postgresql-copyI have 30 numeric numeric columns in a table .I want to find mean,std, percentiles for all the columns in …
sql postgresql stored-procedures plpgsql greenplumI have a table (named VGI_table) that contains a column (named match_tabl) which contains the names of other …
postgresql postgis plpgsql dynamic-sql execute