I have a table (named VGI_table) that contains a column (named match_tabl) which contains the names of other tables in the same database along with object_ids for those tables. I am trying to create a plpgsql function that loops through each row in the VGI_table and performs a query to retrieve an object from another table as shown below.
The function takes 4 parameters (all varchar), the first two are names of columns in the VGI_table, the third is the name of the VGI_table and the last parameter is the output.
vgi_match_id_col, vgi_match_table_col, vgi_table, output_table
The code for the function is shown below, ro is used to hold the first table query, match_row holds the output of the queried external table. Distance is an output created using the PostGIS st_distance function.
ro record;
match_row record;
distance float;
for ro in EXECUTE 'select gid, geom, '||vgi_match_id_col||' as match_id, '||vgi_match_table_col||' as match_table from '||vgi_table
--raise notice '(%)', 'select geom from public.'||ro.match_table||' where gid = '||ro.match_id;
execute 'select geom from public.'||ro.match_table||' where gid = '||ro.match_id into match_row;
distance := st_distance(ro.geom, st_transform(match_row.geom,st_srid(ro.geom)));
EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||output_table||' VALUES('||ro.gid||', '||distance||')';
The table being queried has no null values in the match_tabl column or the object_id colum. The code identifies ro.match_table and ro.match_id as null values when attempting to perform the EXECUTE statement. I even used the RAISE NOTICE function with the same string that is used in the EXECUTE statement and the correct query is returned. If I hard code the execute string with a predefined table_name and object id the script works fine. The link below is similar but I don't think it addresses my question. Thanks for the help.
Well, clearly something you're concatenating is null.
Use the format
function instead, that way you'll get more useful info.
format('select geom from public.%I ....', ro.match_table);
to insert literals.
EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO %I VALUES($1, $2)', output_table) USING (ro.gid, distance);