Top "Plotmath" questions

plotmath provides mathematical expression plotting in the R language.

How do I include italic text in geom_text_repel or geom_text labels for ggplot?

Is it possible to pass partially italicized text labels into ggplot? I have tried using the expression and italic commands (…

r text ggplot2 plotmath ggrepel
Spacing in axis label when using expression(paste(...))

Consider the following example: plot(c(2,4,6)~c(1,2,3),xlab="x", ylab=expression(paste('flux (g ',CO[2]~m^{-2}~h^{-1},…

r axis-labels plotmath
Subscripts in R when adding other text

How would you add a subscript to one particular word of a title in R? For example, suppose the title …

r plotmath
Use sub-/superscript and special characters in legend texts of R plots

I generate a plot for multiple datasets. Each of the datasets should get it's own legend, which might contain greek …

r plot special-characters legend plotmath
multiple bquote items in legend of an R plot

Following works, (copy & paste into R) a=123 plot(1,1) legend('bottomleft',legend=bquote(theta == .(a))) I want to have multiple …

r plot legend plotmath
How to have a new line in a `bquote` expression used with `text`?

I want to have a new line in my bquote envrionment, how can I do this? my code: test<…

r data-visualization plotmath
how to use expression in in names.arg function

I have several carbon compounds in my bar graph but I need to subscript the numbers associated with each one, …

r expression plotmath
Use a variable within a plotmath expression

I'm trying to place the results of a regression (i.e., R2) in a graph, but can't seem to figure …

r plotmath
R: legend expression how to add comma between two values and how to supress scientific notation

I'm trying to format the legend in my plot, but I have to use expression() because of greek and superscripts. …

r plot expression legend plotmath
How to underline text in a plot title or label? (ggplot2)

Please pardon my ignorance if this is a simple question, but I can't seem to figure out how to underline …

r plot ggplot2 underline plotmath