multiple bquote items in legend of an R plot

Sang picture Sang · Aug 26, 2011 · Viewed 8.7k times · Source

Following works, (copy & paste into R)

legend('bottomleft',legend=bquote(theta == .(a)))

I want to have multiple items in the legend. All with greek letters. As a simple example, if I repeat the item twice the code does not work anymore

legend('bottomleft',legend=c(bquote(theta == .(a)),bquote(theta == .(a))))

I have tried many more complicated expressions but they all did not work.

Any help will be appreciated.


Gavin Simpson picture Gavin Simpson · Aug 26, 2011

In this case, plotmath is not able to coerce the list of calls to expressions.

> cs <- c(bquote(theta == .(a)),bquote(theta == .(a)))
> cs
theta == 123

theta == 123

> sapply(cs, class)
[1] "call" "call"

You can make this work if you coerce to expressions yourself:

> c(as.expression(bquote(theta == .(a))), as.expression(bquote(theta == .(a))))
expression(theta == 123, theta == 123)
> plot(1,1)
> legend('bottomleft',legend= c(as.expression(bquote(theta == .(a))), 
+                               as.expression(bquote(theta == .(a)))))

Another way is to coerce the original list of calls to expressions using sapply:

       sapply(c(bquote(theta == .(a)), bquote(theta == .(a))), as.expression))