How can I limit the autoscaling of gnuplot, so that, as example for the y-max, it is at least a certain value and it would autoscale up to fixed "limit"?
From looking at the documentation, I only see how to fix min-, or max- end of the axis, while the other is being scaled automatically.
Since version 4.6 gnuplot offers a new syntax to specify upper and lower limits for the autoscaling. For your case you could use
set xrange [0:100 < * < 1000]
Quoting from the documentation:
The range in which autoscaling is being performed may be limited by a lower bound <lb>
or an upper bound <ub>
or both. The syntax is
{ <lb> < } * { < <ub> }
For example
0 < * < 200
sets <lb> = 0
and <ub> = 200
That syntax can be applied to both the minimum or maximum value of set *range
To autoscale xmin
but keeping it positive, use
set xrange [0<*:]
To autoscale x
but keep minimum range of 10 to 50:
set xrange [*<10:50<*]
See the documentation about set xrange
for more information.