Top "Pingfederate" questions

PingFederate from Ping Identity is cloud identity management software for Single Sign-On, secure mobile access, automated user provisioning and API security.

PingFederate Single Log-Off - How does it work?

Given: PingFederate is a single-sign-on (SSO) solution, which allows users to be authenticated by 1-n applications using a single username …

single-sign-on saml-2.0 pingfederate
Ping Federate : Single sign-on authentication was unsuccessful

I am getting this issue while implementing Ping Federate Error - Single Sign-On Single sign-on authentication was unsuccessful (reference # TAELHKAD). …

single-sign-on pingfederate
Configuring Spring SAML for SSO with PingFederate

We have decided to use Ping Federate to be our SSO solution. I have searched many examples but have not …

single-sign-on saml saml-2.0 pingfederate spring-saml
Creating SAML protocol sign-in request programatically with .net libraries

I have implemented website which acts as relying party. Currently it supports WS-federation protocol for SSO. It uses “…

c# saml pingfederate