Top "Pinax" questions

Pinax is an open-source platform built on the Django Web Framework.

Could not import settings 'myproject.settings' (Is it on sys.path?): No module named pinax

I'm trying to get pinax working on WebFaction and having so many issues... [Sun Feb 19 20:01:20 2012] [error] [client] mod_wsgi (pid=22796): …

python django pinax
Enforce unique upload file names using django?

What's the best way to rename photos with a unique filename on the server as they are uploaded, using django? …

python django pinax file-rename
pinax error: no module named debug toolbar

I am developing a project with pinax and django 1.3.1 have successfully installed the virtualenv,pinax and other requirements and activated …

python django pinax
How do I fix this Django error "Exception Type: OperationalError Exception Value: no such table?"

I've finally installed all the requirements (so i think!) of a Django project, and I'm trying to get a local …

python django sqlite pinax
How can I satisfy an import of direct_to_template?

I am getting an error page from an originally Pinax 0.7 project: ImportError at / No module named simple Request Method: GET …

python django social-networking pinax
How do I write Facebook apps using Django?

Am in the process of developing some app for Facebook using Django! I've started first by building the app in …

django facebook social-networking pinax

import os from os.path import abspath, dirname import sys # Set up django project_dir = abspath(dirname(dirname(__file__))) sys.…

django pinax django-settings
Apps won't show in Django admin

I've read all the other threads but I still don't get why my apps are not showing up in Django …

python django django-admin pinax
how to find user id from session_data from django_session table?

In django_session table session_data is stored which is first pickled using pickle module of python and then encoded …

python django pickle pinax
'bootstrap_tags' is not a valid tag library

I'm using pinax-theme-bootstrap-account with django-user-accounts. When I want to use pinax templates I get this error: 'bootstrap_tags' is not …

django twitter-bootstrap pinax